Friday, March 5, 2010

Lipsyncs should be finished

As of today your final version of the Lipsync video should be turned in to 265dropbox. Remember you must export to a movie, and then save the movie to 265dropbox, not the project. This really was a very simple movie to make and it didn't require a lot of editing to make. All you had to do was record the singing in one take, strip off the audio from the movie, add the original song music, and then do the title and credits at the ends. Most of the videos we do next nine weeks will take more work.
How are you doing with your video? What problems did you run into?


FEY said...

I don't know?

da said...

in our group we practicly had one day were we were all here.
we are realy stuck!!!!!!!!!!

kjh said...

we are doing great! we have no problems besides paying atention.

mjm said...

alright......i dint like doing it though cuz it was 2 embarrasing. one of the problems is that i was 2 slow on the moves we were doin and it was confusing

K.W. said...

I am finished with my project, annd i didnt realy like this project.. ! It was boring && embarrssing.. !

RT said...

We haven't done are video. But we already have problems of everyone being here witch is causing my teamates not wanting to shoot

rl said...

I am doing good with my video . The problems that i ran into were that i didnt now the song aht first .

joselin s said...

My video is going very well. Im not done with it yet. So far its turning out awsome. Its kinda confusing at times. (:

JAOC said...

Were about to record our video today. Our problems have been that not every body has been their.Everyone is here today I hope we do well.

jvr said...

We havent done the video Because we are having a hard time finding the song.

zvnb said...

We are doing ok but need some help.We haveing a problems with saveing to the right place. We kind of done with the video.

dnd said...

if I had gotten a group to help me than I would have gotten more done but the lack of a working camera was also a downer and the not-so shameless appel of pertending to be a singer quickley left as soon as I found out that It would take place infront of a whole class

avg said...

its goin good i guess and i didnt run into any problems but exept for one i forgot how to download a video but every thing else is goin good...

bes said...

Actually i had no problems with making the video with the barbies.The video was successfull.I liked doing the video.

sa said...

im doin kinda bad because me and my group are having trouble finding a song that we can sing and dont have any bad language in it i guess.

KR said...

No problems yet but i am excited about making the new videos

M T said...

I DIDNT do it yet (:

But dont worry i will :D :D '

Love MARiTZA !

rw said...

i know im just nervous