Friday, September 18, 2009

The Door

You've started working on filming with video. I gave you a basic script, you made changes to make the movie yours, and then we started filming. Using the video camera is different from just taking a picture. You are going to find out that editing (trimming out the bad parts) takes some careful work also. If you are careful when you are shooting the video, then editing is a lot easier.

What problems have you run into using the video camera? How is your movie going so far? What character did you make the "hero" run from?


cc said...

making the movie was fun i played a very awsome part i was a dead grudge lolzzz

er said...

finding the start butten.good.and i made run from!!

avd said...

my partners are not that good..... :(

cc said...

making the movie was fun i played a very awsome part i was a dead grudge lolzzz

stt said...

We havent fimled yet

aga said...

we have has problems about decideding who & who was gonna be . We had trouble about how to use the camera & how to record & how to look back at the things we video tape. Umm we really don't have a hero in the video that we are doing.

drl said...

Our team does not have a hero. Our movie is supposed to be scary. we have run into some problems but not a lot a they are not such big problems. our movie is going good so far.

eab said...

no heros. 2 monsters.... the problems that we have with the camara is that somtimes it wont record when u push the record button. Our movie is going bad so far because we havent started because we always have to do it alover because they dont like it

nmh said...

this has been cool making the video.but we have 1 problem an that is people goin threw the halls. i think that this is gonna be a good video.

mfg said...

Our Problems were deciding who gets each parts,at first we didn't know how to control the camera,learning how to record our movie.But then Andrea helped us out.Our movie is going great so far.I hope when we edit it,it could become a sucessful video.We really didn't have a hero in our video.

rl said...

we do not know how to earase.At first we didnt even know how to record but we figued it out.My movie is going pretty good so faar.We made our character run from the grudge.

jcf said...

we dont now how to use very well.well we are not even started.well i dont now yet well i guest we are going to star on monday or tuesday.

ds said...

im glad that we are maken ay video about the door and our story it's real fun but we have one problem that day to many kids was in the hall way but we ay lil behind schedual but come monday well be good i think this video is gonna be the best ever.

rodolfo said...

We did not know how to record.We have not stared.No hero only moster.

acc said...

no we dont have a hero... there is a grudge and she is scary loking.well we kind of have troble with the vedio camra. well its kind of easy but at the same time not.

ddl said...

i have had no problems at all.we did not do the movie yetbut it's all good cause I WILL DO friend is the hero.