Friday, April 30, 2010

Object Interviews

Our latest project is for you to conduct an interview with a non-living object. You take pictures of the object, video yourself asking questions, and then make up answers you think the object would make to your questions. Being creative in your answers and giving your "interviewee" a personality really makes or breaks this project.
Don't ask generic questions, ask things that are specific to the object. Think about what it would be like if that object was actually a real person. What would it be like to do whatever the object is used for? What kind of problems would that object/person have? Would this be a life you would like to have?
I have had several students make really great videos using this topic, but unfortunately some of the most boring ones have been on this topic also. It all depends on how creative you are. No creativity -- Boredom, Creativity -- Great Video.
How creative are you being?


ar said...

Well iam not being that creative lately.but who knows lets see how it goes.

jvr said...

I don't know how creative i am.

cl021195 said...

i am being very creative with our project we are working on in class.

da said...

i realy dont know but im trying..

RT said...

I am being very creative i dont know what i want to interview

dnd said...

I figure the way I am trying to make this project creative is by giving normally mundane questions that you would ask any old boring thing but having a strange or funny response like something entirely alien to respoind withI think This would be a better method to make it more creatinve than just everything being outworldly and hard to understand

mjm said...

I have not started but I think I will be VERY creative. i think that it'll be hard to think of questions though.

rl said...

I am being very creative. It is creative because of the questions I am asking a pencil. I am asking it questions like if it was a livinq thing.

mjg said...

Im being very creative with my object. I pretend its a real person whose talking to me && giving me answers that chairs would say.

zvnb said...

I did something creative and funny.I like being creative with my project.I think you will like our project and the stool.

sa said...

it was kinda boring cause ur talking to non living things but it was a grade so we had to do it i guess.

maritzaThibodeaux said...

I am bein very creative . This projuct sounds FUN ,and im happy doen it . Its fun too make up crazy answers & interview things . Mr.Geasland youu are COOL :)

JAOC said...

I dont now how im doing. If im doing good or bad. I hope im doing good. All I know is i putting in effort to work.

benito Saenz said...

Well actually im being creative by using a crayon.Well an orange crayon and well yeah im being creative by asking creative questions.