Friday, February 5, 2010

Audacity Sound Files

This week we did two things; learned how to Photoshop parts of one picture onto a second picture, and how to record a sound file in Audacity. Photoshop was a program you used in sixth grade for half of the class, but Audacity is a program you probably haven't used.
In Audacity, you are able to record sounds from a microphone. Then you can edit those sounds, cutting out parts and moving parts around. Just like editing video!
That part is nice, but the cool part about Audacity is the effects! You can highlight a section of the audio file and change tone, pitch, speed, all sorts of things. That's why that one guy on YouTube sounds so weird, he has modified his audio file.
How did you like hearing your recorded voice? What did you think about using Audacity?


D.A. said...

i realy dont because it sounds realy wierd you know what im saying.
i realy dont know...?

Sara Millard said...

it was freaking awesome ! ;]
I liked doing it because i have never done it before !

arz said...

i like hearing mine voice in the is fun and kool.then i love it.

jlg said...

not so good

useing the audacity it was go good useing it

jvr said...

I like doing the voice recording. I never thought i sounded like that.

FEY said...

Well if you record youself on a camrea, you sound all weird. But if you record your voice in the microphone box, your voice will sound the same.

dnd said...

I thought it was kind of neat but half of the time I sound like a 3 year old kid when my voice gets recorded on something but I hope we do something interesting soon

kw said...

I liked how we could change pitches. It was cool, and i we should use audacity alot. I liked how we could speed it up, slow it down , and everything else too!

mjm said...

Audacity would really fun to mess with voices and to just have fun with it but, i did NOT like hearing my recorded voice LOUD 4 evryone 2 hear.......

zvnb said...

I like hearing my recorded voice. It was fun do hear your voice in different tones or monos.(kayla tought me that word.)

Ronald said...

It was fun but easy. But I still liked it I like listening to you whenever you modified your voice and made it squeekey

KR said...

I liked using auacity and hearing my voice. I think audacity is a very cool program.

kjh said...

I loved. It was so fun listening to my voice in different tones and mono's. (im not sure if i used that word right though!!!!!)

rl said...

I do not like it because my voice sounds wierd . It doesnt sonud like me . I thought it was pretty cool using Audacity .

Joselin Soto said...

I think that when i heard my voice it didnt even sound like me. Also that i think its cool how you can edit your voice and make it sound funny. I think thats a cool program.

maritza said...

I didnt hear it bacaue i wasnt here. But they told me it sounded cool. You should teach me how too do it. Mr. Your class is AWSOME :)

AvG said...

yiur voice sounds werid when you record it on a camrea. But when you use the box it sound normal.

bes said...

It was really awsum because i got to work with some cool people!It was pretty cool i guess.