Friday, October 30, 2009

Newscast Cue Cards

Most of you are not really taking the cue cards seriously. The number one reason people are scared to be in front of the camera is that they are scared they will make a mistake and look foolish. The main way people make a mistake? They forget what they are going to say. Thus the cue cards!!
Writing the words on the cue cards helps you remember what to say, as long as you can read them. So it is very important that you write them in letters that are at least three inches tall. The person with the cue cards has to stand behind or beside the camera which means they are not close. If you have to squint to read the card then you look foolish again. You really should have no more that 6-8 words on each card. You also need to write in phrases so that the last word is not on the next card.
How is your movie going?


ddl said...

It is going awsome we present it on monday.

er said...

it is going bad because we only have two people!!!!!!!=(

stt said...

pretty good actually we are almost done

jc said...

main sucks because rodolfo is helping me and he doesnt know nothing so thats why my movie sucks.

dlr said...

I think our movie is good. Cause we really know how to act it out but i think that we mess up to much wen people are entering.

JC said...

We are almost done with the movie.

aga said...

its going ok ; not completly done but we're getting there . umh its hard to do it ckause when we're recording we just laugh && we can't consintrate.

eab said...

Our movie is going good so far. We had somea hard time making something up about the thing we were guna talk about.But then we got it going good so far.We are almost finished with the movie. We think it looks good but then we didnt like it so we are guna do it again.Then we are going to be done.

rodolfo said...

I do not know which thing I want to make the moive about.I want to do baseball or basketball.

cjc said...

i did very little cue cards but i remember alll the words XD

mfg said...

So far really good.We did our cue cards,and it turned out good.We recorded our movie,but we kinda didn't like it,so we are going to do it again.And probably from there we are going to figure out which one is better.

acc said...

okay my movie is alright. kind of boring but its alright. ima done already..

kpk said...

yupp. that happens great thats all. bye

ds said...

the project to me was very easy it was even more easy sense all I had to do was write out ay script/cue card's and talk in front of the camra.