Friday, April 24, 2009

Dealing with Special Effects.

The newscast movie is our first attempt to deal with adding special effects to a video. Special effects are great because they allow you to do some really cool things, like add a different background making you look like you are somewhere else, or showing an object on your screen that really isn't there. Things like this make your movies look really great.
But, special effects are not easy! Of course, if they were then they wouldn't be special. They can be tricky so you really have to pay attention to what you are doing. In Adobe Premiere you actually have to open a special set of controls for each effect so that the computer knows just what you want to do.
How are you doing with adding your special effects to your newscast movie?


E. Ines said...

The special effects are very fun to work with. I really like using the green screen.

Jose F. said...

da movie waz ok but it was very hard tyo do because i dident understand what to do in it..

rdi said...

i liked the thig we did whith the lego stuff it was fun and i did a cool movie

jd said...

The same as all i kind of like it but then again it's hard.

juana najera said...

is very difficult but is very cool to do it

ja said...

The new video we made was ok because i dont realy like to be infront of thr camera and i smiled alot. but yea it was a lot of fun to do also its fun to edit it with other stuff. this class became one of my favoriot class.!

cs said...

Special effects are easy if you unterstand what to do. its kinda cool to be able to do special effects.

sg said...

The video that we were doing were good and i dont need help. Thank you for help me with my work o.k.

jorge diaz said...

i dod not do it

AG said...

the video that we made was cool and with cool information.....everyone did it and we get to add stuff to it too.!we get to add lots of effects and i think its going to be pretty awsome and easy at the same time.

juana najera said...

is hard but is not cool...

be said...

i confused

an said...

This was very cool. When u due it is fun, but is very important to dont be playin so you can have a good project

sl said...

it was ok

jlg said...

the special effects are great

jr said...

me and blake have not put our pictures on our newscast yet but im sure it will be hard but fun.

jlc said...

Special effects are cool they also do some cool things.Jose Estavan and me made a video.Myvideo was about a kid geting tasered for yelling at a teacher.

ca said...

im doing good as far as maken great sound effevts but i think i need to be more creative =]

fv said...

the special effects cool